A stunning sunrise Just out from Lake Grace, WA.
I love shooting salt Lakes from above. You capture patterns, colours and textures you just can’t see from the ground.
Like a giant tear drop, one of many stunning pools and salt lakes which lay scattered throughout this stunning National Park.
Stunning location known as Warrachuppin Rock roughly 60 kms west of Southern Cross.
First light over the Blackwood River near Walpole. Truly magical morning.
Taken from my 2021 trip south, Bremer Bay has never looked so spectacular! The colour of the water was simply stunning.
There is so much beauty in the Central Wheatbelt Region of WA. Intricate paterns, amazing colours and textures and yet in the space of a couple of months this landscape will be totally different yet equally beautiful. I never tire of it.
Heading into Mukinbudin, 290 kms east of Perth, the sky grew dark and this massive cloud formation dominated the horizon. It was later followed by a stunning but short lived sunset. Magic moments
A simply stunning sunrise over the Blackwood River with the Southwest town of Walpole on the banks.
Shark Bay and Cape Peron National Park has the most stunning views from the air. A scenic flight was perfect way to experience the beauty of this spectacular location.
The Wellstead Estauary in Bremer Bay making it’s way to the Great Southern Ocean. Amazing view.
900 kms north of Perth is the popular tourist destination of Monkey Mia. Most famous for it’s population of Bottlenose Dolphins which frequent the shallows and are fed by rangers twice a day much too the delight of the crowds. It is also one stunning location!
Temperatures in WA’s Wheatbelt area soar through the summer months often in the very high 30’s. The hot and dry conditions completely transform the landscape and from above, views such as this are common.
Stunning part of WA’s Southwest Coast, Two Peoples Bay near Albany. Name serves the place well as I have never encountered too many people.
Viewed from ground level and these salt lakes are generally white with little visible colour. Take to the skies and the colours change with elavation. Truly remarkable.
Yenyening Lakes
Hutt Lagoon